Valerian Compound contains pure extracts of three herbs in liquid form and it acts within just 30 minutes, with effects lasting for up to two hours. It can be dropped straight into the mouth, given on food or sprinkled onto your pet`s bedding to help make any event instantly less stressful.
Valerian helps to support the natural relaxant pathways within the nervous system, without affecting muscles and it doesn’t make pets dopey or sleepy.
Many situations can be worrying for our pets causing fear and anxiety. Valerian Compound can be used for:
- fireworks
- thunderstorms
- travelling
- showing
- going into kennels
- visiting the vets.
Valerian Compound acts quickly, helping you and your pet get through these events stress-free. It can also be used to restore calm in hyperactive pets.
The more severe the phobia, the earlier you should start, up to a month in some cases. For moderate phobias, start around 10 days before the predicted worst night. However, even if you only start the day or so before your dog will still benefit.